Thursday, September 28, 2017



If I cry over the slaughter of the innocent in Newtown, Connecticut, can I order the slaughter of the unborn and then force those who believe in Right to Life to pay for it?
Can I support the burning, chopping, beheading and ripping apart of the unborn, in the name of Right to Choose?

Just something to think about as the news shows Hussein crying and speaking "words of comfort and concern." Maybe I should have titled this, "Don't Believe Everything You See On The News."

The Newtown event is tragic. But don't forget, there are 160 times that many children slaughtered legally EVERYDAY in the US. This figure does not diminish the horror of Newtown, but it does reveal Hussein's hypocrisy.

I am listening to President Obama speaking to a National audience right now on this tragic event. He says that even if we can do one thing to stop one more innocent child from being needlessly murdered we should do it. Even one is too many, I agree with him.

What a hypocrite he and the liberals are. They weep for 20 innocent children who were needlessly killed in an act of violence. But say nothing about the estimated 50,000,000 that has been murdered legally since Roe vs. Wade was passed in the highest court in our country (of man). Tat was the day that murder of the most innocent amongst us was made a legal right for women based on inconvenience.

He even opened his speech quoting scripture, this coming from a man that voted publically as a senator for both partial birth abortion and post birth abortion in the case that a botched abortion should result in an unwanted child being born.

It is crazy that there has been thousands of children born who survived botched abortions and as adults when asked if they regretted being born all of them said no that they thank God for that miracle of being given life even when they parents tried to murder them in the womb.

We want to talk about a woman's right to choose, great but maybe the ones that we should be asking of their opinion are the millions of babies each year whom are being murdered in the womb. Who is crying over their right to live???