I- So-called, mental Illness. Actually it is Mental Disturbance due to physical problems stemming from (for instance) chemical imbalance (drug induced or natural) or an impaired nervous system (traumatic or congenital).
II- Man's Sinful Nature and Sinful Behavior.
III- Demonic Influence (possession and oppression).
Modern society has made "mental illness" (actual and invented) either the only or the major cause. Sometimes the "drug induced" is not only legal, it is prescribed and imposed (as with very active and self willed children). This is where points I and III intersect. Remember, demonic activity is often intertwined with drugs.
This is why a Biblical and Christian approach to violence is essential. The answer must be based on absolute truth and absent of secular interpretation. Misdiagnosis and response aggravates the problem, rather than eliminates the problem. Christ must be the answer, regardless of the cause.