Friday, September 29, 2017



There is a difference.

Scenario 1
There are some small children who seem to think that the universe exists for their own joy and satisfaction, as if life is a personal amusement park. I mean this in a good way. Life to them is one joyful experience after another. They are easy to please and they find excitement in little things. They are loving, and appreciative for everything that is done for them. These children are a joy to be around. Grace brings this attitude into the older believer.

Scenario 2
BUT, then there are young people and adults who think that the universe exists for their own selfish and narrow desires. They are insensitive to other people and they are mostly satisfied when they are the receiver, rather than the giver. Their joys are short lived and usually self oriented. If someone is not stroking their personal feelings, they easily run roughshod over those people, whether family or friend. They are negative, critical and conceited. While they make life a strain for those who do not pamper them, they just move on, looking for others they can impress.

Remember, the innocence of simplicity and humility are worthy traits for all of us and are obtainable by grace. It is better to bring the light of God's grace and Christ's likeness to other people than to entertain them with our own artificial light.

Two negative and sadder results of the second scenario is 
Sometimes the positive little people in the first scenario are the targets of the toxic and venomous people of the second scenario, and
Sometimes those precious, positive, children become the victims of the selfish negativity and are drawn into the wake of  people of anger, hatred, jealousy, pride.

Growth in GRACE and knowledge are essential to spiritual development.