Three Aspects of One Sided Love and a word of Exhortation.
1- As a parent, as a grandparent, I have loved my children and grandchildren to such an extent that it has actually hurt. When that love is returned it is ecstasy. When the beloved small child becomes distant, regardless of the reason, it is like losing part of one's self, for the loving adult.
2- Likewise, when an adult child distances or removes himself/herself from an unconditional and unselfish pa...rent/grandparent relationship, it is like a dagger to the heart.
3- Ultimately, it is impossible, in the best of circumstances, for humans to comprehend the sense of loss God has when the object of His holy affection allows anything to separate between them.
1- We humans need to remove anything that comes between us and God. He loved us so much He gave His Only Begotten Son. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
2- Correct the things that have distanced you from your loving parents/grandparents. They loved you when you were totally unlovable, they accept you when so-called friends abandon you, they are the only people who will ever fill their unique position in your life.
3- We as adults must sometimes endure relational and emotional losses, but we should never allow them to harden us. CONCLUSION... We should respond to others, as our loving Creator/Father has responded His wayward children, with love that covers a multitude of sins.