Wednesday, September 27, 2017



So, does a child, during his informative years, really have a better environment in the public,
Bible accosting,
morally bankrupt
school system,

to develop
socially, and

where he is bombarded with
secular humanism,
physical/moral/sexual/spiritual abuse and bullying from his peers and teachers,
mental and academic famine and fraud, and
the constant undermining of Christian and family values?

If so, what a hell hole he must have for a home. I understand that some parents, in EXTREME CASES (single parents, families with overwhelming handicaps), are not able to remove their children from the horror of Satan's snare, at least for a short while, but most parents erroneously think they are doing their child a favor by sending him into the vestibule of hell every day rather than raise him in a Christian, loving, moral, honest and safe environment.

I know this irks some of y'all. I hope you don't un-friend me over this. But maybe, just maybe, someone will wake up and rescue their child before it is everlastingly too late.

Oh, and SHAME ON the churches that are not helping their people save their children. Ministry is costly, to all who serve. Churches, and workers should never deny children a Christian education, based on MONEY. But, that is another rant.

By the way, before you cast me off because of my radical position and relentless ranting, answer this: How many others do you know, are crying out in behalf of the children who will be misled, abused and lost because they are being raised by a Christ-less school system? Maybe we need a little more of this, just to keep the facts before us.

Some of you will respond by saying that you have known some home schooled or Christian schooled children who seem to be socially challenged or quiet or underdeveloped.

Well, brace yourself, the public school specializes and excels in these areas.
Don't tell me that there are no socially challenged, quiet or underdeveloped children in the public school system.
Don't tell me that the public school system is dedicated to PROPERLY socializing children or training them in interpersonal communications or reaching their full potential.

The public system is dedicated to cloning a mindless lot of lemmings, obedient to State authority.
They are producing violent, crude, enemies of freedom, justice and morality.
Not every teacher is a moral failure, but we all know that there are more of them than there are the exemplary ones.
Not every student is raping or abusing or bullying your child, but how many does it take to make it too many?

Oh, and the children are not even being educated in the public school system.