Monday, September 25, 2017



How did America get this messed up morally, economically, spiritually, academically?
There are several components, including
major mistakes,
shortcomings and
sinful choices made by the American Church.
But there was also the planned, deliberate actions of the public (government) education program.

Don't take my word for it, READ, RESEARCH and REASON it out.

From the very beginning of "modern" education Dewey and the progressive movement charted the course to capture the minds of American youth, and we have seen it come to fruition in this present administration. Even today gullible Christians are the biggest advocates of the government, secular schools, which attack Christian principles and family values. Some of the leading Christian minds of the last century warned us, but the Church in America turned a deaf ear. Now people like me are considered extremists and alarmists. Wake up before it is too late.

Modern, well meaning Christians want
success without surrender,
revival without repentance,
deliverance from destruction and deconstruction without denial of self and sin and secularism,
they want protection from the enemy without perfection of heart, through faith in Christ.

They will grip tightly to corrupt ideas and alliances, sacrificing their children on the altar of Molech. They have sold their souls for a pot of beans and their children for thirty pieces of silver. And God ain't happy.

The revival needed in the American church
starts by kneeling at the altar,
then standing for Jesus,
fleeing from the devil,
walking in the light.

A true reviving of the soul
requires a turning from the secular to the sacred, raising our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, not turning them over to a secular, God hating school system that is dedicated to destroying the family, undermining the gospel, controlling the minds of children.

It will
require us to be cleansed from ALL SIN and to crucify the sinful nature.

Revival will
require people to come out from the socially accepted, politically correct lifestyle of the modern man.

Life in Christ means death to sin, death to self and death to Satan's rule. There is no room for compromise in the Christian life. God requires total and unconditional surrender to His Lordship.